Fullmoon Decoden haul
Online browsing of the Forever 21 store makes me wanna be in KL, where there actually is a PHYSICAL store present so I can try stuff on and decide if I really need it~ XD Since I was really energized (at 1:30 in the morning), I did a set with all my WANTS/eye candies from F21!
Also did some mathematics (told you I was energized!)! And if my mathematics serves me right, getting stuff from the online store and shipping them to Australia works out to be cheaper than purchasing in the store in KL~ THE CATCH - of course, is that there's a flat shipping rate so the more items you get, the cheaper it works out to be!! >_<

On the other hand, my room looks like a tornado aftermath. WHY. I've received a few packages in the mail, including decoden materials to finally start the much delayed phone deco project! The thing is - although I've received decoden materials, I'm still waiting for the phone cover to arrive. LOL. Deco parts are super cute though, I'll try to post up some photos in the next few days~ Lots of opened envelopes and packages on the table right now, and more stuff on the chair. :< Tsk tsk. I don't even sit at the table anymore, I just sit on the floor. Tragic!
SO! Cleaning up my room tomorrow since I'm not working! Hopefully I will be able to put everything away and get everything ready for my family's arrival on Thursday!! 4 MORE SLEEPS TILL THEY VISIT! SO SURREAL. SO HAPPY!
Decided to change the layout + background since it's going to be Chinese New Year soon~ RED, RED, RED! Just thought I should really get into the mood of celebrating a new year according to the lunar calendar! (I hope the whole layout isn't too red and bright, but then again, Chinese New Year is all about wearing bright red coloured clothing!! Haha.) It's gonna be awesome celebrating CNY in Australia this year, it's gonna be the FIRST time I've spent CNY together with my family in 3 years.. Not much goes on here though, so all the huuraaah shall be at home, celebrated with loved ones~
OK, I'm usually not a firm believer of horoscopes / zodiac signs, but this app has been scarily precise MOST of the time~ >_< Being superstitious and all, I'll try to take some advice and hopefully have a good year ahead! XD
P/S: 8 sleeps till my family visits~ :)
160111 + Herbal Essences Hello Hydration
Herbal Essences Hello Hydration
Hello Hydration Shampoo
Repeat after me: I'm so quenched. it's time to take every strand of dry hair off dry land. replenish your pretty, parched head with my moisturizing shampoo fused with essential moisturizers and orchid & coconut milk. it leaves hair silky and supple. want more moisture where I come from? seek my happily hydrated conditioner.
I'm deliciously hydrating. give your dry hair a drink with my moisturizing conditioner. I say you can never get too much of a good thing. so say " hello " to a deep dousing of lush hydration with my rich formula fused with moisturizers, orchids & coconut milk. drink up and replenish your hair's much needed moisture. it's time to be reunited with manageable, silky, smooth hair.
My take:
Recommended for:
People with dry/damaged hair! It really moisturized and softened my hair a lot~ ^_^ Also would be important that you don't mind an overpowering scent of milky tropical fragrance lingering in your hair. I found it a bit overpowering at times of the day, even though the smell is pleasant. :D
dusk Haul - Candles, lighter, snuffer and wick trimmer
My take:
Originally I just wanted to get a wick trimmer, because I needed to trim off the top black bits of the wick, and the wicks get very long after burning for awhile~ Long wicks encourage the flame to be bigger, and they don't burn as evenly as they should! Since the kit comes with a snuffer, I started using the snuffer to put out flames. AND~ It's awesome! XD No more blowing off flames and having smoke rise up in my face~ No more blowing wax/spit into my votive holder!~ Wheee~ ♥
Recommended for:
Candle lovers! If you light candles often/every night /every other night like I do, you'll find it immensely useful! You'll find yourself using both these tools every time you light/put out a candle! :) Also would make a great gift for candle lovers (if they don't already own these tools), the packaging is gorgeous!
Candle lighter
Enjoy the effective jet power of the dusk Turbo Lighter! Perfect for hard to reach places, this refillable gas lighter features a downward firing flame ideal for lighting candles in hurricanes and lanterns. They are also suitable for lighting dusk Aromatics Lamps, and are perfect for use in windy conditions, making them a handy tool for any home.
My take:
I got this because I was having trouble lighting up candles with a flame lighter, especially when the candles got to 1/2 their length or less. I started lighting a stick and then trying to light the candle with the stick, but it doesn't work so well when I have the fan or air conditioner is on. With this lighter, so much time wastage and angst is saved. :D I know it's refillable (and the refill is about $7), but I'm not sure how long it will take to use up the butane gas in this lighter... I'll have to wait and see~
Recommended for:
Anyone who wants to light things quick in hard to reach places and windy areas! I guess any lighter will do the job though~ :)
Hi! ♥
It's been a busy busy month since the second week of December 2010, which is when I started to work~ So far I'm really enjoying having a job and all! Apart from the fact that when I get home I'm usually tired and all I feel like doing is doze off~ >__< Glad I started to work during uni holidays though, and hopefully I'll be able to fit it in when uni schedule starts next February (which is really soon!)~ This was my first time staying back in Perth for Christmas and New Year since I moved here to study 3 years ago! Can't believe it's gonna be the 4th year of me living in Perth already!! :O
My grandparents are also in Perth for a visit! It's so exciting~ Soon my family will be coming down to visit, and we'll be able to have a family reunion over Chinese New Year! :) We'll also be having some road trips planned, I can't wait!! Family holidays FTW~ Haven't been on a family holiday since 2009! They're always really fun and so memorable!
I haven't been taking much photos, much to my disappointment. :< I just got a new lens though!! Waiting for the adapter to arrive and hopefully this will kick start a series of photo taking sessions again! ^____^ The adapter should arrive some time next week~ Excited excited!
My old dusk aromatherapy candle - Harmony (read the review here), finally melted completely~ I went out to get a new scent - Vigour.

Love package from KL ♥
Our house is finally noisy and chatter fills the air once again~~ :D My aunt, uncle, cousin and grandparents have just came back from their long Christmas break spent in KL! Also thanks to my family (who I love to bits ♥♥♥) who must also love me to bits packed a package full of goodies for me~ *happy dance*
Airhead - Runaway by Meg Cabot
Last book in the airhead book series!! I just started reading the book, but I super love Meg Cabot. :) Especially since Mel introduced The Mediator Series to me, I've been a huge fan!!!
Notebooks + 2011 diary
Mom got me these 4 subject notebooks from popular~ Not sure what to do with them yet, since they're quite thin, but I'll be using them in uni I think! Since I'm doing 4 units when uni reopens next month~
Also the sky blue notebook with floral print is a Christmas gift from Steph and her family!! Thank you!! I've already started writing down on important dates, hopefully this will help me meet my NY"S resolution for being more organized. :)) It's spiral too! Easy to flip the pages heee. Thanks hun~ <3
Liese Chestnut Brown + Revlon Lipstick
Wheee finally will be able to cross off dying my hair colour soon! Not sure when I'll do it yet though, my hair is at an awkward length right now (between shoulder and chest-length >__<") GROW HAIR GROW~ Also been dying to try a nude lipstick~
I feel so loved. :) Thank you~
As I've said in my dusk aromatherapy candle post, I've recently been realllyyy into fragrances~ I stumbled across Chi Chi perfumes two Christmases ago (in 2009) and I really loved the fruity smell. :D To be honest, I'm not a big fan of flowery smelling fragrances, BUT I am a big fan of fruity fragrances. They smell so sweet~ ♥♥♥
Chi Chi Eau De Parfum Body Mist Spray
Leave home looking and feeling like a superstar... walk through crowds and make heads turn... be remembered long after you have gone with Chi Chi's Eau De Parfum Body Mist... Warning: you may attract too much attention!!!
Chi Chi has taken all the very best ingredients to make this sexy, shimmering hair and body mist that will leave you smelling Chi-Chi-liscious!!!
Shake well before using for even shimmer distribution.
One bottle is priced at $19.99, but the Chi Chi Fragrance Trio (pictured above) is $29.95. BUT! It gets better! XD Since Myer's having a clearance sale, the price was slashed to $23.95~ So I'm really happy with my haul! So far I've just only started using Peach & Mango, and I can't wait to use Berry Passionfruit. However, WARNING: the Chi Chi Fragrance Trio does not have any shimmer eventhough it states on the box to shake well to evenly distribute the shimmer... :< Doesn't really affect me since I usually spray it on my clothes, but if you want shimmer on your skin with this spray, then I would suggest getting the separately packaged ones~
Both Peach&Mango and Berry Passionfruit are really sweet smelling, and smells like candy~ I'm not thaaat keen on using Watermelon though~ From what I've tested from the samples in store, watermelon has a less sweet smell and a is bit more on the flowery side... Will do a more in-depth review on each fragrance once I've used them for longer. :)
dusk Aromatherapy + Harmony candle review
But I'm all grown up and less likely to burn a house down now and I still love lighting candles!! I have also been really into things that smell nice and soothing. And makes me feel relaxed and my room smell fragrant and welcoming~ XD When I stumbled across a dusk store and saw that they were having a massive sale/clearance, I just couldn't help myself. I just had to reignite my love for candles (pun!)~ Since I wanted a fragrant room as well as some health benefits, I was captivated by their aromatherapy line!!
Christmas clearance sale was on, so I snagged this. :)) (Original price was $19.99 but because Christmas was over, the price was slashed down to $5!!!) Happy happy ho ho ho~ I love bargains!!!
Harmony is a beautiful floral scent. It relaxes, restores and maintains emotional stability. It is also good to promote restful sleep and helps by reducing tension.
My take:
The description is pretty much spot on~ When I light it my room smells like lavender, which is one scent I really love! :) It does make me feel more relaxed and every time I light it at night, I feel sleepy and always want to head to bed early! XD Because of this, I've been sleeping VERY early the past few days - heading to bed before midnight (I usually sleep wayyyy past midnight :O).
The small candle above has a burning time of approximately 14+ hours (there was a sticker below the candle stating that) and it costs $3.99. :) My harmony candle is already 3/4 burnt after lighting it on and off for about 1 week! Imma head out to try a different aromatherapy candle next time!!
Do you light candles at home, too? Do you have any particular favourite scent of candle? I think I wanna try awakening next time, which contains tangerine + lime. It claims to 'energise and awaken your mind'!! Just what I need before uni starts! hahaha! XD
New Year's Resolutions
Hello! Happy New Year~ I wish you all will have an enjoyable year 2011 and that all your wishes will come true. :)) I thought making a list of things to do for 2011 will be quite fun to start off a new year! Have you written down all the things you plan to do in 2011? I also put a little list on my sidebar so hopefully I'll be able to strike them out soon!!! Here goes-
11 things to do for 2011!!
♥ ♥ for family+friends+uni+work
Always find time for family, friends, uni and work! Hopefully the best is can skype/call my family every night, get good grades, keep in touch with friends and work as well! :)
♥ Lose weight (45kg <3)
45 my lucky number plzzz! Australia has made me fat. :(
♥ Dye my hair
Something I wanna do in 2011!!
♥ Get a dressing table
White princessy dressing table from IKEA, I've got my eyes on you!!
♥ Get a beauty dish
On my christmas wishlist!! MUST GET THIS YEAR~
♥ Skin care
Take care of my skin, drinks lots of water. Cleanse, tone, moisturize my face twice a day; put lotion. Sometimes when I have other things to do I just completely don't do any at all omg. :(
♥ Pick up a new sport/activity
I wanna take up sports again! I used to love cheer so much~ And when I learnt salsa it was super fun!!
♥ Be organized
Write down everything all in 2011 diary. Organized room 24/7. Put things back where they're supposed to be even when I'm running late (coz piling up mess will take longer to clear!!)
♥ Get a bicycle
I miss cycling! I think cycling will be good for me since I don't have a car and when I need to get groceries or go to uni I have to walk = takes more time = always late. >__<
♥ Wear heels
I'm quite a lazy person lol. I usually wear sneakers or platforms. This year must learn how to wear heels comfortably!! ♥
♥ Buy my air ticket home
I wanna buy my own air ticket home with my own money! :))