Too bad she's left already!
Sadness has creeped up to me huuhuu~
Everyone is leaving me in Perth whyy whyy~ LOL. I guess I had too much fun with her the past week!
Teeheee~ We met up 3 times in 7 days, feels like a personal record... (HI PEI NEE!)

About half of the photos here were taken by her!
All of them are post-processed by me. Sighh, looking at these photos make me so nostalgic lool.

Our first (of three) meet up was in Utopia in the city, which in my opinion serves the yummiest bubble tea in town~
I'm always SO impressed to see them making bubble tea by brewing actual tea leaves, instead of the instant powdered flavours which I normally see in pasar malam back in M'sia! ♥ Healthier bubble tea~
They are made to order, so if you order green tea, they'll brew green tea using green tea leaves then and there!! 

Our chocolate mint and peach milk bubble tea! ♥♥♥
You know how sometimes you meet a friend after SO LONG, and then there's a longgg dreaded awkward silence/pause because you have no idea what to say anymore?
Or when suddenly the conversation goes, "Hi, how are you?" "I'm fine.
" "Okay...
" because you haven't been in contact for so long, you have no idea what's going on anymore?
Glad that never happened! Been a year since I last saw Pei Nee but I guess we just talk too much loool!!

Second meet up was a steamboat dinner, teehee. But no photos cause I was kinda rushing from uni and then we just mostly talked and ate and talked more and then ate biscotti and cherries.

Then it was soon Pei Nee's last day at Perth, so we had to do a marathon!
The half day marathon included a trip down to Mandurah + Leeming's famous fish and chips + Murdoch Uni + Woolies~ Fried ice cream and pancakes were in the itinerary but we ran out of time.

But it's okay cause we were able to try WA's most famous, award winning pie at Miami Bakehouse~
(consoles selves)

We still young at heart!

Home time~ 

Let me just end this post with...


1 comment:
Love the photos! You two look so cute in the first photo! :3
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