Day 6! I borrowed this book from the library this week and have just started it- and I just wanted to share because I love LOVE all the books in the 'Don't sweat the small stuff' series by Richard Carlson. Prior to reading this book, I had already finished 'Don't sweat the small stuff - and it's all small stuff' and enjoyed it immensely - which is why I knew I would love this book anyway. I was going to get one of the books for my sister, and couldn't decide if I should get the 'for teens' version or the 'it's all small stuff' one! Well, it remains a big dilemma, since they are both really good - I just might end up getting both versions for her to read. :)
A terrible mishap happened today - I am usually not a rushy/multi-tasking person, but somehow I decided that I would get out my iPod to check my emails while walking to a lecture in uni. Next thing I knew, the iPod flew out of my hands and smashed on the floor. Oh dear - I think I shouted that aloud and then, when I saw that the screen was cracked (picture), my heart just shattered. I knew there was nothing I could do about it anymore, even if I started crying and beating myself up, nothing would change. :( (Unless it was all a dream, but it wasn't.) I was really beat up and saddened. Immediately I promised myself to stop trying to do so many things at once, and that I should probably just concentrate on walking in the future. There was nothing else to do, but to brave on with the day/life in general and learn from this experience. Nothing was going to change even if I felt really bad and started to make myself feel even worse than I already did.
After my lectures ended, I dropped by at the Perth city Apple store to ask about the cost of replacing the screen, and the guy at the genius bar said I could have my iPod replaced at no cost. I think I almost jumped out of my chair and gave him a huge hug and do a little dance but I tried really hard to refrain myself - although I did shout 'you just made my day'... I guess what I've learnt today, is that, anything can wait - when walking, it is probably wise to just concentrate on the action and beauty of walking itself. Nothing much is probably going to happen from my 2 minute walk from the library to my lecture room, no life changing event that couldn't wait for another few minutes was going to occur. Also, I guess I've learnt to look at every incident and unpleasant experience in life in a positive light, as part of a learning process. Especially when there the result/outcome of the situation is already out of your hands, and there is nothing you can do to change it. Life is a learning process!

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