Deco Design Album Scans

19 February 2011 |
deco design album

Hey all! Been awhile! Anyway~ I started getting a bit crazy with decoden lately! I've deco-ed the back of my phone case, but I ran out of rhinestones for the front. In honour of the self-imposed 1 month spending break, I'm holding back any unnecessary expenses so right now it's just the back of the phone which is blinged! LOL. Lucky the cover is detachable, so I don't have to walk about with a half boring black, half sparkling phone in my hand! 

I just thought that this magazine has so much decoden inspiration!! I actually found this mag after I blinged the *half* of my phone, and I'm already tempted to try out new designs and follow some of the tutorials!! We'll see... It also shows step by step and how-to-bling tutorials broken down into chunks! 

decoden mag

decoden mag scans

japanese decoden

I'm really into this type of decoden right now! Chunky plastic roses, pearls and ribbons~  Such eye candy!! 

More of the mag under the cut!

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